Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I take a bow for myself
out of fear and self-importance
my head touches the ground
deeper! more humble!
I disappear into the ground
lower!  more scandalous!

perfect bows are fatal
It’s me, It’s just me

there is a kingdom underground
ungoverned and beautiful

I know.


with words I painted your windows black
locked your jaws
put putty in your lock
broke your key
wrapped you in a blood-red blanket

with words I stole your heart
made you laugh
cry too
made you come
made you go

Friday, July 26, 2013


the more clearly  I want to say something
the more inarticulate I express myself

this seems like a typical phenomenon
of some shit.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I’m lying here spread out like a whore.
you may caress me, crawl into me, jump me,
blow me up like a ball, till a point,
shrink me, mourn me, sing to me.

I’m your material. sniff me.
look down my throat, my heart, my ass, my stomach.
curse me a thousand times over or hold me tight.
It’s all fine with me because today I love you.

taste my blood, suck on my tit.
believe wholeheartedly in my significance.
I’m really here. and yet, I’m not.
like your woolen sweater 
and the sheep that isn't there.


me, on the swing
silent above the grass.
the high spring grass
with the dandelions.

you, on your knees, making
a path for yourself  for when you
grow old. So we can push you outside
and back inside.

I listen to your hands,  hammering away.
I’m sitting on the swing, I’m not swinging.
I stretch without stretching-
the sky ticks in April.
I’m no hourglass and no bell-jar.
I’m your daughter.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I like people who stay

I like people who stay, he said,
together we stood watching the white laced winter trees
and because of his words I found it hard to leave.
he took me along the damaged paths of his youth,
passed the decayed orchards, delicate streams,
in front of a old wrecked building he stopped
and sneaked a peek through the window of his first love
hesitant a summer presented itself in his voice
and I saw he was gone for a while