Monday, August 19, 2013

Moët & Chandon

that bottle of Moët & Chandon
-in my honor-
in your sad room?
your beat down radio
with the paperclip antenna 
playing Tombe la neige by Adamo

that crooked lampshade
that one pair of expensive shoes 
a gift from your mom

I went with you 
to your church
thanked God
when the organ played it's final note
young and stupid- me

you've been dead for 13 years
but that damned brand
Moët & Chandon
always takes me back
for a while 

1 comment:

  1. It was beautiful and always will be! What was once a star, became a man and that man turned back into a star! They never die, they travel on, and we catch up with them someday...
