I want rain for my umbrella
Addiction for that packet of smokes
Morning for my coffee
I want to get used to fucking
A movie for my talent
I want to bleed for my cleaning cloth
Break because I have duct tape
I want a nights rest for my pillow
Booze for my hangover
A walk for my shoes
Down the stairs for the stairs
I want cancer for my lung specialist
I wish
a car accident for my personal account manager
at the insurance company
A broken bone for what I'm thinking
The booked ambulance flight is
a filling for the ravages of time
My life takes too long
I want to send my blind hate a postcard
I'm losing it, spinning faster than two days on Saturn
My moon has broken down
Probing the sunlight I count the nightly hours
I make my bed in the dark
with sheets unfulfilled when I masturbate again
dark and sad and turn away
facing the wall
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